Top 8 Truck Driving Tips

Driving a truck is not as easy as ordinary people think, it is a technical job. For truck drivers, the most dangerous thing is not driving fast, but distraction! Therefore, driving a truck requires a high degree of concentration, observing the situation on the road, and being a truck driver is a very tiring job.
In order to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of traffic accidents, in addition to the skilled driving ability of truck drivers, more experience is required. Today, the editor summarizes the driving skills of some old drivers, hoping to help the majority of card friends.

1. During normal driving, if the car in front suddenly merges to give way, you should be ready to release the oil immediately and prepare to brake, because it is very likely that there is a situation on the road ahead. At the same time, observe the rearview mirrors on both sides to determine which side to merge if you want to merge. .

2. The large truck has a slower braking effect from stepping on the brake pedal than that of a car and a light truck with oil brakes. The large truck has a large mass and a long body. It needs to open the piston from the time the pedal is pressed to open to the full air. In a process, it will not stop immediately after stepping on the brakes, so if you find a situation, you must step on the brakes in advance.

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3. When you have a hard time looking at other cars from the rearview mirror, that is when you should turn on your lights, not to see the road, but to be seen, especially when it is raining during the day.

4. Be careful not to let the car behind you step on the brakes when you are driving in parallel. If he steps on the brakes to avoid you, he may step on the accelerator!

5. When queuing, in order to prevent others from blocking the traffic, leave half of the body on the side of the traffic jam, and leave room for yourself to turn left. When you are stuck in traffic or waiting for lights, don’t follow too close, you should leave a distance. , to prevent the preceding vehicle failure from being caught in the middle.

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6. Don't overtake when turning, don't overtake when there is an intersection ahead, and when the red light turns green to start, don't overtake when you don't completely pass the intersection.

7. After parking, don't put anything in the car, even half a cigarette may lose your car glass.

8. If you park for more than 3 hours, be sure to warm up the car. No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, this does not refer to the water temperature, but your lubrication system. As for the water temperature, it can be heated while driving.

Shandong Jimai Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd
Quanli Heavy Duty Diesel engine parts mall,
Tianqiao District,Jinan City,Shandong
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